Friday, July 25, 2008


I'm at a loss. I can't imagine that I'm so out of touch with you that all of these things that I'm feeling are just that.....feelings. You keep telling me it's all in my head, but I know that this is not the case. It's the gamble I took opening up to you. I layed me heart out there. Truly expressed what I felt inside. I thought I could trust you. If you're leaving I wont stand in the way. I just don't want to be the last one to know. I must ask though why put me through all of this. Why put us through all of this to then turn and walk away.....The very thing you were afraid someone would to do you, you're doing to us! Normally I would back out now you know cut my losses before it becomes to much. it's different this time though I've invested so much. No matter what the outcome is there will be great damage, great loss. So I'm going to try things differently this time, actually give this my all. If nothing else I can grow from the expirence. The expirence that all you are. I'm so desperate for answers to questions only you can answer.

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