Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Gift of Friendship

I don't use the term friend lightly never have never will.
To enter into a friendship with someone is to enter into an intimate relationship with someone of your choice.
Someone whom you find you can't live without.
Many of my friends have actually become more like family,
creating an unconditional love that endures time, space, and hardship.
I still can't believe that my best friend from kinder garden is still my best friend.

Having friends is the greatest joy I've ever known.
Doing things like having entire conversations saying only a few words.
Reminiscing on times past, and planning for the future.
I've called on my friends through every bad time I've ever experienced,
and can't say that I would have survived this far in my walks of life without them.
So too any and all whom I call friend I just want to say.......

Thank you for putting up with me over the years and for your gift of friendship.


kauban said...

as sappy as it gets...

Lady S said...

As sappy as it gets....Wow thank you for your comment!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

kauban said...

i meant your unending sweetness, my dear.