This weekend I attended my older sister's best friend wedding and it was something to see. The wedding definitely didn't start off traditionally. The groom's mother held everything up with a arrival that was almost an hour behind schedule. She then boasted this was intentional because the union of her son and his chosen bride she wanted nothing to do with. She was purposely trying to start arguments with anyone who was trying to make the wedding a success. To make a long story short she was successful in upsetting the bride so much that she was ready to call the wedding off. The groom was standing at the alter the entire time and was clueless about the situation taking place. The bridal party and us "lady's" who were there for support surrounded the bride and tried to do damage control as quickly as possible.
The groom's grandmother saved the day with these words:
"Baby today is your day and don't let nobody take that from you.
We are all here to celebrate the love you have found with my grandson, not his mother.
You go out there with your head held high and you marry your soul mate.
Your love has stood the test of time,
including two beautiful children.
Baby go out there and marry the man god sent to you".
The bride was still shaken up but the ceremony was back on. The bride took advice given by her grandmother-n-law and held her head high as she glided down the isle to her groom's awaiting side. She looked like a beautiful princess. I've never seen her look so awe strikingly beautiful. It wasn't the dress or the elaborate hair and make up that made her so beautiful. It was the warmth radiating from her heart, it gave her this supernatural glow. The groom didn't seem quite as excited as the bride but I think it was just nerves. Even though he missed all the drama at the wedding he knew his mother's point of view about his choice of bride. When he said his vows though you could tell he was speaking from the heart.
The best part of the wedding for me had to be when the bride had a dance with their six year old son. Their dance didn't leave a dry eye in the room. It was so special to see that bond between not only mother and child but a mother and her first born. The bride's son didn't look nervous or anything he just looked up into his mother's eyes and smiled. Then came the groom's dance with the newlywed's youngest child. He danced with their 10 month old daughter to Ribbon in the Sky by Stevie Wonder. It was so special she cooed and smiled the entire dance.
Anyone who knows me knows how scarred of marriage I am. Even though I seen many successful marriages I'm not sure if I have what it takes to be married and uphold everything that marriage stands for.Lately though I'm starting to get over that fear. I've begun leaning towards the feeling that if you truly love someone then marriage is going to be a celebration of that love. The Reverend at the wedding said it best:
"Getting married doesn't make you husband and wife,
it's the actions you take now that you married that will make or break your marriage.
To truly be wed to one another this young couple will have to put the time and effort into building a union that is solid,
and will transcend space and time".
I found the Reverends final piece of advice to be interesting. He closed saying,
"keep everybody out yo business.
When your unhappy with your mate don't go tellin all your friends.
That is the quickest way to put a crack in the solid foundation your trying to build".
This was so interesting to me because another reverend said almost the exact same thing at my cousin's wedding earlier this year. I wonder how many marriages and relationships in general fall apart because folks can communicate with everyone else but each other?!??!!!
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