Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Even though you're close, You are so far.
Being held captive for crimes committed in the innocense of youth.
You knew better but you wanted to fit in.
Fit in to the soceity designed for your demise.

I miss our talks, late night on the phone.
Remember how you use to try to use big words to impress me.
My teasing you because you were younger than I,
I used to have the best of times.

I knew you looked up to me,
You told me so.
What you didn't know was I looked up to you.
Someone going through so much,
and yet you smiled with such ease.
Nothing will ever break your spirit.

So many memories flash through my mind.
Our sleepovers,
Your quick temper when you don't get what you want.
Your smile.

I can't wait until you come home.
Our embrace will be long,
Tears will acompany my words.
I need to tell you,
I have always loved you and I always will.
You have a piece of my heart reserved just for you.

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